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The best coffee products
The Estonian roastery Coffee People offers an all-in-one coffee solution for offices at an unbeatable price
Coffee and coffee breaks are an important part of our workdays and office culture. The coffee machine is a hard working heart of the office.
• 100% Arabica speciality coffee
• Rent and sale, installation and maintenance of coffee machines of all sizes
• Selection of Ronnefeldt teas
• Healthy Nomad hot chocolates
• Natural Superfood Lattes
• Coffee training and cuppings for everyone, from amateurs to baristas
• Coffee catering at events + home office special solutions.

2021. aastal investeerisime uutesse tootmisseadetesse eesmärgiga suurendada tootmisvõimsust. Suurima osa investeeringust moodustab uus röstimismasin Loring S70 Peregrine. Selle investeeringu aitas läbi viia PRIA (Põllumajanduse registrite ning informatsiooni amet) läbi mikro- ja väikeettevõtjatele mõeldud põllumajandustoodete töötlemise investeeringumeetme.