Founded back in 1823, the Ronnefeldt teahouse one of the oldest high quality tea producer of its kind. Already in the 19. century this teahouse supplied quite a few nobels in Russia and in Europe, they even started provided their teas to the Russian tsar.
Today we can find Ronnefeldt teas mostly in high-end hotels and restaraunts in more then 70 countrues worldwide.
Ronnefeldt teahouse puts in a lot of effort to pick out the best quality tea leaves to start the processing.
This teahouse parteners up with tea plantations from all over the world that use only the hand picking method. They pick only the top two tea leaves from the bush, that are the youngest and most mild tasting. This is how Ronnefeldt ensures that their teas taste pure and light! After that they process those teas leaves are treated caferully and in enviroment friendly manner.
Plastic free tea packaging in the 21. century
By the end of 2021, all of Ronnefeldt Tea packaging will be made from 100% sustainable materials. This means that every package will be recyclable or compostable. They are also working hard to reduce the amount of used materials, while always ensuring that the high quality of the teas is maintained.
Sustainable – For the love of our planet and its tea
Plastic is a serious problem for humans, the environment and the climate. Extraction and production of plastic is resource-intensive.
Fossil raw materials are wasted, huge amounts of waste are generated and the pollutants in plastic are harmful to health. More and more people are becoming aware of their responsibility as consumers and are looking for an eco-friendly alternative.
Customers are also demanding a sustainable packaging solution so that they can enjoy tea safely and without a guilty conscience. It is Ronnefeldt ambition to meet these wishes and to consider those responsibilities to make sure that the ecosystem remains intact for future generations.
Plastic waste and its consequences
Plastic waste is a problem that affects all of us. More than ten million tonnes of waste end up in the oceans every year.
About 75 percent of all marine litter consists of plastics. Tens of thousands of marine animals swallow or become entangled in plastic waste, causing serious injuries and deaths.
In addition, plastic is almost imperishable in the sea. Plastic never fully decompose and is literally everywhere.
Avoid and improve trough more eco-friendly alternatives
To confront this problem, Ronnefeldt is striving to avoid packaging and to reduce the material consumption. Wherever possible, they are optimising packaging materials. If packaging is necessary, it has to be completely recyclable or biodegradable. They always take the utmost care to preserve the quality of our teas. Therefore, all materials for the packaging are selected and used in accordance with the highest quality standards. Ronnefeldt purchase their packaging only from reliable partners who sparingly use high-quality alternative materials.
Teavolope sustainable packaging
In order to meet our high demands on the quality of our packaging materials and to preserve the fine aroma of our high-quality teas, they are constantly testing new, eco-friendly materials with a focus on their suitability and in contact with their teas. As an eco-friendly alternative for the plastic aroma protective cover of the Teavolope tea bag, they have chosen a paper-based packaging solution called Sappi Seal. This packaging material is made of paper from sustainable forestry and can be recycled via the waste paper bin.
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